
If you want to really know what I am currently working on, get in touch or read the blog. One of the things about publishing academic papers is that it’s slow, at least for me. There is much more wrong with academic publishing, but that’s something for another day (or blog post). So most of the work listed here represents work on water governance and governance networks I have done 2-3 years ago.

All articles should be accessible either as pre-prints or as open access articles via my Google Scholar profile. Please get in touch if this does not work.

Journal articles (peer-reviewed)

Manny Liliane, Mario Angst, Jörg Rieckermann, Manuel Fischer (2022), Socio-technical networks of infrastructure management: Network concepts and motifs for studying digitalization, decentralization, and integrated management, In: Journal of Environmental Management, 318 Link

Angst, Mario, Mewhirter, Jack, McLaughlin, Danielle and Fischer, Manuel (2021), Who joins a forum – and who does not? Evaluating Drivers of Forum Participation in Polycentric Governance Systems. In: Public Admin Review Link

Angst, Mario and Laurence Brandenberger (2021). “Information exchange in governance networks - Who brokers across political divides?” In: Governance, early view. Link

Hileman, Jacob D., Mario Angst, Tyler A. Scott and Emma Sundström (2021). “Recycled text and risk communication in natural gas pipeline environmental impact assessments”, In: Energy Policy 156.112379. Link

Metz, Florence, Mario Angst, and Manuel Fischer (2020). “Policy integration: Do laws or actors integrate issues relevant to flood risk management in Switzerland?” In: Global Environmental Change 61, p. 101945. Link

Angst, Mario (2020). “Bottom-Up Identification of Subsystems in Complex Governance Systems”. In: Policy Studies Journal 48.3, pp. 782–805. Link

Kammermann, Lorenz and Mario Angst (2020). “The Effect of Beliefs on Policy Instrument Preferences: The Case of Swiss Renewable Energy Policy”. In: Policy Studies Journal 49, p. 757-784. Link

Angst, Mario (2019). “Networks of Swiss Water Governance Issues. Studying Fit between Media Attention and Organizational Activity”. In: Society & Natural Resources 32.12, pp. 1416–1432. Link

Fischer, Manuel, Mario Angst, and Simon Maag (2019). “Co-participation in the Swiss water forum network”. In: International Journal of Water Resources Development 35.3, pp. 446–464. Link

Angst, Mario, Alexander Widmer, Manuel Fischer, and Karin Ingold (2018). “Connectors and coordinators in natural resource governance: insights from Swiss water supply”. In: Ecology and Society 23.2. Link

Angst, Mario and Christian Hirschi (2017). “Network Dynamics in Natural Resource Governance: A Case Study of Swiss Landscape Management”. In: Policy Studies Journal 45.2, pp. 315–336. Link

Book chapters

Angst, Mario and Manuel Fischer (2020). “Identifying Subsystems and Crucial Actors in Water Governance: Analysis of Bipartite Actor—Issue Networks”. In: Networks in Water Governance. Ed. by Manuel Fischer and Karin Ingold. 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan. Chap. 5, pp. 115–143. Link

Reports and practicioner journals

Andri, Bryner, Angst Mario, Manuel Fischer, and Stefan Vollenweider (2021). Wasserpolitischer Jahresrückblick 2020 (transl: Review of Swiss Water Politics 2020). Aqua Gas 5/2021.

Andri, Bryner, Angst Mario, Manuel Fischer, and Stefan Vollenweider (2020). Wasserpolitischer Jahresrückblick 2019 (transl: Review of Swiss Water Politics 2019). Aqua Gas 5/2020.

Andri, Bryner, Angst Mario, Manuel Fischer, and Stefan Vollenweider (2019). Wasserpolitischer Jahresrückblick 2018 (transl: Review of Swiss Water Politics 2018). Aqua Gas 4/2020.

Angst, Mario (2012). Integration of nature protection in Swiss forest policy. INTEGRATE country report. Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape WSL, Birmensdorf.