About me
I do research on urban sustainability transformations, governance networks, policy-making in the Anthropocene and digitalization. I currently work on urban sustainability transformations, leading a tiny lab1 at the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich.
My expertise as a researcher lies in connecting my scientific knowledge of sustainability governance, governance networks and policy to innovative data analysis skills. I love to use Natural Language Processing, Bayesian Regression Modeling and Network Analysis in applied research.
I obtained my (summa cum laude) PhD degree in Political Science from the University of Bern in 2019. I had the privilege to visit the Stockholm Resilience Centre as a SNF-funded visiting researcher for four months in 2019. I was part of the 2019-2021 Robert Bosch postdoc academy for transformational leadership, which gathers outstanding researchers working on inter- and transdisciplinary topics. I taught and supervised students at the University of Bern and Zürich, besides teaching occasional network analysis and R workshops.
Besides research, I am first and foremost a father of a little girl and a baby boy. This also means that I work part-time and have a second job as a stay-at-home father. I also play (well, not so often anymore) in the greatest band in my world, sometimes solo, and am a passionate bikepacker and micro-adventurer. I also serve as a board member for the bike messenger cooperative Veloblitz .
You can download a CV here.
What’s a tiny lab? I’ve got no idea, but it sounds fitting to what I do ;).↩︎